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New APhA-ASP Women’s Health Campaign

New APhA-ASP Women’s Health Campaign Kick Off Event at University of Michigan College of Pharmacy

Interactions Between Emergency Contraception and Other Hormonal Contraceptives

The American Society for Emergency Contraception (ASEC) recently held their annual EC Jamboree in Washington, DC. Participants included health care providers, researchers, reproductive health advocates, and pharmaceutical stakeholders. One highlight was the key clinical discussions centered on drug interactions between emergency and other hormonal contraceptives, including ulipristal acetate (ella, Afaxys Pharma). A selective progesterone receptor…

5 Pearls from the States Forum on Pharmacist Birth Control Services

The inaugural States Forum on Pharmacist Birth Control Services was recently held in conjunction with the American Pharmacists Association (APhA) 2019 Annual Meeting in Seattle, Washington. This session was hosted by Birth Control Pharmacist. Most states were represented at the forum with over 60 participants, and there was meaningful discussion on how to make this service not only…

Payment for Pharmacist Services in California

As of April 2019, California’s State Medicaid program, Medi-Cal, is providing payment for selected pharmacist services. This change is due to legislation (California Assembly Bill 1114) that was passed in 2016. What is covered? Pharmacist services are benefits for eligible fee-for-service Medi-Cal beneficiaries. The following pharmacist services are now covered: Hormonal contraception Immunizations Tobacco cessation…

FDA Updates on Birth Control

There have been some notable changes with birth control products, including three new product approvals and one product exiting the market.

More Birth Control Supplies Leads to Longer Use

More frequent trips to the pharmacy to pick up refills are bad for patients when it comes to birth control. Studies have shown that when patients are given more supplies at a time, they stick to their birth control method for longer and have fewer unintended pregnancies. Pharmacists are used to the barriers imposed by…

Colorado is Third State Allowing Pharmacists to Prescribe Birth Control

More good news about access to birth control is coming from the state level. Colorado has passed legislation authorizing pharmacists to prescribe birth control after obtaining additional training. They are the third state to follow California and Oregon with this statewide authority specific to birth control. There is a task force that is charged with…

An OTC Birth Control Pill Could Become a Reality

An over-the-counter (OTC) birth control pill is finally on the horizon. HRA Pharma, a French pharmaceutical company, has recently formed a partnership with the nonprofit research organization Ibis Reproductive Health to conduct the research needed to prepare and submit a new drug application for an OTC progestin-only pill to the FDA. While the approval may…