Continuing Contraception Care After Trump’s Orders

In light of recent actions over the last two weeks with our new administration, I wanted to provide updates and guidance to my pharmacist peers regarding reproductive health care. On Friday afternoon, some CDC websites went down as content is being reviewed for compliance with President Trump’s executive orders. Pharmacists, along with other health professionals,…

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Nextstellis®: A new drug update 

  A new combined oral contraceptive was approved by the FDA (Nextstellis®) in April 2021.1 Nextstellis contains estetrol, an estrogen that can be manufactured from plants and that was originally derived naturally during pregnancy from the fetus liver, and drospirenone, a progestin found in other currently available contraceptives. Drospirenone has antiandrogenic and anti-mineralocorticoid activity.2 Estetrol differs…

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A Primer on Reproductive Justice for Pharmacy Professionals

A pharmacy student reflects on what she learned from “Sex & Gender 101” — a gender-inclusive series designed to show learners how to take the first steps to providing care that addresses the specific needs of LGBTQI+ patients. This series includes a glossary of terms, resources for further study, and a “cheat sheet” for providers interacting with patients across the gender spectrum.

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Sex & Gender 101

A pharmacy student reflects on what she learned from “Sex & Gender 101” — a gender-inclusive series designed to show learners how to take the first steps to providing care that addresses the specific needs of LGBTQI+ patients. This series includes a glossary of terms, resources for further study, and a “cheat sheet” for providers interacting with patients across the gender spectrum.

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Putting Policy into Practice: Contraception Care in San Francisco Pharmacies

What makes some pharmacies more successful than others at implementing pharmacist-prescribed contraception care? To answer this question, we conducted a study to determine the extent of hormonal contraceptive prescribing, also referred to as furnishing in California, among San Francisco community pharmacies, and identify the factors that led to successful implementation.

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