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Levonorgestrel Intrauterine Device for Emergency Contraception

A new research study evaluates levonorgestrel IUD for emergency contraception

Outreach Initiative to Expand Access to Depot Medroxyprogesterone Acetate (DMPA)

New training program by Birth Control Pharmacist and Provide includes pharmacy best practices to combat stigma and communication guides and online resources to help connect patients with local resources.

Putting Policy into Practice: Contraception Care in San Francisco Pharmacies

What makes some pharmacies more successful than others at implementing pharmacist-prescribed contraception care? To answer this question, we conducted a study to determine the extent of hormonal contraceptive prescribing, also referred to as furnishing in California, among San Francisco community pharmacies, and identify the factors that led to successful implementation.

Should We Offer Preconception Services in Community Pharmacies?

Why is preconception care important? Roughly 4 million pregnancies occur in the United States annually.1 A common misconception is that preconception care is only a health care need when there is an intention to become pregnant. However, because nearly half of all pregnancies in the United States are unplanned, most birth defects occur within the…

Teratogenic Medications and Contraception Management

The use of prescription medications by pregnant women has increased over the past 30 years and with the usage comes an increased associated risk of exposing the fetus to the drugs. These medications can cause fetal abnormalities during a pregnancy. Often, for unique reasons, women are not concomitantly prescribed contraception or are not educated regarding…